Setting up Handy

General info

Since the Handy devices are smaller than the till, you need to rethink the visual grouping of the pages, windows, and add-ons you already use. We think you should work with more pages with fewer products and/or windows on pages compared to how it is in the till. 

Before you start using the Handy device, you need to create pages. The rest of the installation is done by the Trivec Delivery team. 

The recommendation is to divide the setup into multiple pages and set them up logically so the waiter can take drink orders first, then starters, and then mains.

  • Soft drinks
  • Beer
  • Wine
  • Starters
  • Mains
  • Desserts
  • Drinks


How to create a page

  • When creating a new page, check the InApp (InMobile) setting to make the page visible in Handy. You can also configure Info as "Handy" for a better overview of the product page list. 


  • Handy product pages are a maximum of 4x6 in size (4 wide and 6 high). Keep in mind that all the products outside of that space will not be visible in Handy:


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