Navigate the Systemfunktioner menu (Version 2_0_13)
Default settings
Default settings on Westpay devices are:
Tip: Enabled
Value one: 5%
Value two: 10%
Value three: 15%
Skip button: Enabled
Max tip: 100%
Warning level: 50%
Scroll down on Systemfunktioner menu:
Select Betalinställningar:
Disabling tip on device
To disable tip on device, select Aktivera dricks to switch it to Disabled:
Configuring tip settings
To configure tip settings, select Konfigurera dricks:
To configure Value one tip settings, select Värde ett:
Scroll up and down to select other percentages and select Spara to save the setting:
If desired, repeat the process with other tip procentage values:
Disabling skip tips button
To disable the skip tips button, select Hoppa över via knappsats to switch it to Disabled:
Configuring tip limits
To display limits, scroll down in Dricksinställningar menu:
Select Max dricks to configure maximum tip percentage or Varningsnivå to configure percentage above which customer warning is displayed.
Navigating the Systemfunktioner menu (Version
Default settings
Default settings on Westpay devices are:
Tip: Enabled
Mode: Grid (%Value)
Value one: 5%
Value two: No Tip
Value three: Total Amount
Value four: Extra Amount
Skip button: Enabled
Max tip: 100%
Warning level: 50%
Scroll down on Systemfunktioner menu:
Select Betalinställningar:
Disabling tip on device
To disable tip on device, select Aktivera dricks to switch it to Disabled:
Configure tip on device
To configure tip settings, select Konfigurera dricks:
There are now pre-configured settings that can be selected.
"Total Amount"
"Grid (%Value)"
To change mode press the active mode shown with an arrow in the image.
"Grid (%Value)" Mode
In this version of the WestPay PA all four buttons in the grid are possible to configure each one of the four buttons in the grid with the folowing options:
% Tip value
Enter "Extra amount"
Enter "Total amount"
"No tip"
The continue button is inactive until any of the options in the grid has been selected.
To change a "Value" select the desired value.
Scroll and select the option you want for that button.
Select "Spara" to save.
Repeat these steps for each value you want to change.
The sample picture on the right is when no tip has been selected, it is possible to select "Fortsätt".
The sample picture on the right is when "Enter Total amount" is selected, it is possible to select "Fortsätt". (a higher value than the total needs to be input in order to be able to continue with "Fortsätt".)