Replacement of a faulty Nets device

This guide explains how to report a malfunctioning Nets device. 

Replacement procedure

To request a replacement of a faulty Netsdevice, provide Trivec Support with the following info:

  • Model (Move/3500, Lane/300, iWL250, iPP350)
  • S/N (you can find it on a label on the back side of the printer)
  • Company name
  • Street address, Postal Code and City
  • Contact Email address
  • Contact mobile number
  • What's wrong with the device

After registering a request, a replacement device will be shipped to the provided address with a return delivery order. To return the device:

  • Place the the faulty device in the same box.
  • Apply the the provided delivery order.
  • Contact shipping company to book a pick-up. 

Replacement cost

Replacement is free of charge.

Setting up replacement devices

To set up the replaced devices, check out Setting up a replaced device.

Finding the serial number (s/n)

Serial number can be found on a label on the back side of the device. Exact label location differs between terminal models:


  • Serial number is displayed on a label on the backside of the device:
  • Serial number can be found under SN:


  • Serial number is displayed on the lower label on the backside of the device:


  • Serial number can be found under SN:



  • Remove the battery lid on the backside of device:


  • Twist the battery out of the way (you don't have to unplug it):


    • Serial number can be found under Serial No:



    • Serial number is displayed on a label on the backside of the device:


  • Serial number can be found under Serial No:



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