Creating new table plans and tables

This guide explains how to create new table plans and tables.

Creating new table plans

  • To create a new table plan, select the Add symbol on the table plan list:


  • In the Type menu, select Domino:


  • In the New Table Plan menu, you can configure the following fields:
    • Active: Enables or disables the table plan (Yes/No)
    • Plan Nr: Table priority on the list, the higher the number, the lower the plan will appear on the list. This setting also affects the Sales mode table plan positioning
    • Name: Table plan name
    • Center: Center that table applies to (if used)
    • Type: Enables visibility in either Domino or Handy
  • In the Plan Nr field, enter "2", in the Name field, enter "Terrace" and select OK:


  • A new table plan has now been added. To switch between table plans, click the table plan in the table plan list:


Creating new tables

  • If the table you would like to add is missing from the table list, select Add X above the table list to open the table creation menu:


  • To add tables to the list starting with table 13 and to end with 16 (tables 13, 14, 15, 16), enter "13" as StartNr and "16" as EndNr:


  • Other table settings are:
    • Nr - Table number to create (can create doubles)
    • Name - Name that's always displayed on the table map, can be temporarily renamed. For more info, check out Renaming a table.
    • Temporary Name - Temporary name valid until next day
    • Center - Controls which center table is assigned to. 
    • Capacity - Configures a default number of covers on a table. 
    • As comment - Used with puck system (e.g. Syscall), enabling it does not place order on a table on table map, table is instead displayed as a comment on the order ticket
      • No (default settings) - Disables table as comment
      • Yes - Enables tables as comment only
      • Asked - Prompts for choice to use as comment
    • TakeAwayDisabled - Disables TakeAway functionality on a table
    • TriggerDirtyOnBill - Sets table as dirty after payment is completed
    • TriggerDirtyOnMove - Sets table as dirty after move
    • TriggerDirtyOnNextC - Sets table as dirty after nextcourse
    • Owner - Configures which POS owns the table. 
  • New tables have now been added to the table list:


What's next?

To modify existing tables and table plans, check out Modifying tables and table plans.

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